Ovulation during a longer cycle.


My cycles are usually 30-32 days. I’m having trouble determining when I ovulate. I’ve been charting my basal temp since June and we are in our 5th month TTC. Sometimes I have a temp spike and sometimes I don’t. I get up a lot earlier for my job during the week and catch up on sleep on the weekends so I know that throws my temps off.

Is it more normal to ovulate a little later or earlier? I’m just curious about the other women who have longer cycles, when do you typically ovulate and could I be missing it due to it being earlier or later than I think? Which would be more common? I try to pay attention to my CM too but it seems like I always have semen coming back out for a couple of days after sex so it is hard to know if it is fertile CM or just semen.

Just curious about other women with longer cycles!