Prayers Please!! I can't even anymore!!


i just want to cry. So I'm 20 days late tomorrow. my periods happen every single month, a full 7 days! im never "late." i was 2 days late and got "PREGNANT" on a digital test. days after it was negative. 6 days late i got blood done...negative again!! so im expecting a chemical pregnancy. i have still not bled and no signs of it!!! tomorrow i go back to my doctors appt to get lab results back to see if i have any fertility issues & to get a vaginal sono done to see if i have any cysts on my ovaries. i hadnt tested since last friday since it was negative but it was killing me so i tested today and still negative. i have no been stressed just hopeful this is our time. i just want to know whats going on. im so broken and im secretly hoping when they do a sono ill just be magically pregnant. i mean with God, anything is possible. just wishing i had someone to relate to.

UPDATE: got my sono done today. absolutely no cysts on my ovaries. GOD IS SO GOOD. & the lady said she didnt see a sac for a baby & doc said i probably did have a chemical pregnancy & that it COULD take up to 6-12 weeks to get back to normal. Hope AF shows up soon so we can start again. & all the other tests he ran came back perfect. told us we could go in for sperm count & to see if my fallopian tubes were blocked but since i WAS pregnant that everything is prob good. So baby dust would be greatly appreciated!!!