Does it sound like I could be pregnant?

Aly • Classy sassy & a bit smart assy 😛😭

I'm not sure if anyone here could provide any insight but I figured I'd try.

My period has been super regular since I got off the pill two years ago. Don't know if that's important and it was a low dose.

Just to make you understand my cycle..Period started august 3rd and lasted until the 6th. In September it came on the 2nd & lasted until the 5th. Then it came again on October 1st and lasted until the fourth. But then I started bleeding again on the 17th and it lasted until the 20th. Just a normal period.

Other important info - My fiancé & I were/are currently ttc. We're very sexually active, lol..sometimes multiples times a day. Anyways, I got super sick on the 24th. Symptoms were super violent puking right after I woke up. Literally was in & out of the bathroom all day long. I had considered going to the hospital because I was so sick. On the 25th I noticed my boobs were bigger and kind of sore. There was weird pressure on my stomach & I was bloated. & there were cramps in my abdomen. Puking & eventually nothing was coming out, I was so so sick. Can't remember last time I was this messed up. At the end of the day though I was feeling better. On the 26th I was still bloated and woke up with horrible nausea and I was puking all over just like the day before. On the 27th I was puking still. Starting in the mornings and lasting mostly all day but at some points I'd start to feel decent. 28th I was fine.. On the 29th my boobs were sore. I was puking on the 30th I was fine. On the 31st I noticed I was bloated & I got a tiny bit of spotting that started out The spotting came and went really lightly mostly being pink turning to a reddish color but not dark. Very light bleeding..On the 31st it was only noticeable when I wiped. (Sorry tmi lol..)

My boobs were also sore. & I was itchy.

My bleeding lasted until late on the 3rd and it ended light and reddish. I had a horrible headache on the 2nd pretty much all day. Today I'm not bleeding but I'm bloated and I'm boobs are sore. & my nipples are bigger I think. What do you think could be going on ?? Btw I took a pregnancy test before the spotting started again on the 31st & it was a faint positive. Keeping in mind I've taken many cheap tests in the past always being negative.

The brand I used was rexal from fd

Thanks in advance ....