My geritol story time

Courtney • Currently pregnant with baby #2 27 years old. Reside in Tucson, AZ

First of all, hi everybody!!

Second of all, if you’ve ever used geritol liquid y’all will know what I’m talking about. It is the nastiest, smelliest liquid I️ have EVER encountered

I️ have been taking it for a week now and I️ can SADLY say, I️ have gotten used to it.

So for all of you still trying to get over the smell, the awful taste. I’ll tell you what I️ did. I️ went into the bathroom, held my breathe. Opened the bottle and poured 1 tablespoon into the cup they provide you with

I️ would then leave the bathroom, grab a bottle of water, go stuff my face in my pillow and breathe deeply. Yes, your whole bathroom STINKS now

I️ would then go back into the bathroom, while holding my breathe. Take it down like a shot and chase it with a bunch of water while hurrying up to rinse out the cup and put it away.

After a week I️ don’t gag at the taste or smell. It is surprising as hell! Haha. I️ really hope this is it. I️ am entering my fertile period and have been TTC for 11 months now! I️ want November to be our month! Praying to God and trying not to stress! Putting it in his hands 🙏