Guess what you guys!!😊😊😊


So you guys know that i have recently had my 3rd miscarriage and it honestly broke my heart, but I was a little more angry than anything because im like "whats wrong with me" so i finally said enough is enough, after debating on whether or not i should go get checked because i was scared to find out the results, i finally had enough of the constant waiting, and wondering, because i want to know what is going on, so i finally gave my doctor a call and let her know everything and told her i want some help an i wanted answers. So she refered me to a blood doctor and an Ob, also just in case i need some further testing, now just here recently i been feeling a little different lately, so 2 days ago i had a dream that my husband was smoking in the car and i was in the back seat, and i told him to pull over because i was starting to feel sick because the smoke was blowing everywhere near me, then all of a sudden i started to vommit everywhere ( i know tmi sorry ) the dream felt so real that i actually tasted the vomit in my mouth when i woke up, it was crazy, needless to say, i never have those types of dreams so im feeling pretty hopeful, my blood appoiment is on the 9th and i seriously cannot wait. it is all i can think about! im excited and nervous all at the sane time! 😊😍maybe this will give us some answers and help us move forward and maybe this will be our BFP month!! Please pray for me and my family!πŸ™ baby dust to you all!πŸ’™β€