Hubby wants to re-enlist in the army, baby is 2 1/2 mos now, when is a good time for him to go?


my husband was in the army for 2 years, and he was chaptered for failing too many pt tests in a row 😐 (just the running portion, and literally by seconds each time, but that doesn't matter) he got out Dec 2016 and was told he could re-enlist in 6 mos. He was going to wait just the 6 mos then re-enlist but also in Dec 2016, we found out we were expecting. Now he's finally decided for sure he wants to re-enlist and be active (--side note-- pretty much my entire pregnancy was a debate on branch and then active vs reserves, I didn't get too involved in his decision bc I didn't want him to hate me if he didn't like the decision, he's definitely kicking his butt on not deciding this while I was in the 1st trimester so we would've avoided all this lol) he wants to wait until baby is 1 years old bc he doesn't want to miss any of the big milestones like crawling, solid foods, teething, walking, etc. but I'm trying to figure out when would be the best time for him to go. He only has to go through AIT, which he says will be 4-6 mos, possibly longer, but most likely not. I've been through the whole "service first, family second" so I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about baby forgetting who he is and then being shy/scared when he comes back and when we move to his duty station. I know he'll be gone most of the day and miss a lot w baby anyhow, it's just hard trying to decide when is best for our boy's daddy to disappear for almost half a year 😞 --another side note-- he says AIT for the mos he'll be enlisting for (combat medic) is in texas, and we live in florida, so visits are definitely on the table.

any advice is welcome 😊