Pushing 30 and scared to have a baby


Background: my husband and I are the type of people that do things in the right order. We went to school, graduated, then got “grown up” jobs, then got engaged, then got married, and now we’re building a house. That took us almost 7 years to accomplish. We always said once our house is built we’d start trying to have a baby. We’re about a month into it and I’ve been feeling like I want to start trying now (the house will be finished in 6 months). That still gives us 3 months ish in the house to prepare for baby. But my husband is still wanting to push it back. I am 27 and he’s 28 and so many people in our lives are struggling to conceive and I feel like if we don’t go ahead and start it will be that way for us too. I’m just so scared that 30 is the age that we’ll start having fertility problems.

BUT at the same time, I’m at actually scared of being pregnant and the birth. And the loss of “free” time. And sometimes I still feel like I’m not “grown up” enough to start a family. I am just so confused. Do we wait? Do we start trying (with no expectations except “if it happens it happens”)? Or should we “try” by <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> and getting it on when we know I’m ovulating? Any advice, encouragement, or similar stories would be appreciated. Sorry for the long post.