I hate my job as a cashier

I’m over qualified and underpaid. mistreated by the managers there who believe into the lies that some customers negatively talk sh*t about me.

I suffer with severe depression.

i was told i have to make sure the customer is happy and i always have to smile. are you kidding me. I just told you i’m depressed. Im not perfect and if mental health isn’t important to this company it should be.

I’m not saying I could have said I’ll be right back and get a manager. but the managers there don’t care. they only gossip. i have no friends i can talk to at the moment. and i’m trying to not bring my work shit to my S.O.

Im waiting for a new job to hire me or else I would have quit.

Im also trying to find a non customer service job. i use to enjoy it and can work it like no problem. not anymore.

thanks for your advice :)