My sweet baby! prayers, hope, wishes!! please and thank you


So my water ruptured and i was leaking since Friday well Thursday night I didn't know it was my water cause never fully popped a f I never seen the plug,well i thought the leaki mg was pee from all the pain, and pressure of her on my bladder, well i didn't know and I was to scared to tell my mom cause It could of been me peeing myself, well i finally told her on Sunday and she freaked and was like get matt up no you need to go in, well we when in at 340 am they start running test then ommint me and I wouldn't dilate I stayed at a 2.5.. at around 9 pm the doctor tells me she is stuck and I'm not dilating and I need to go to c_section before it's emergency, well they got me prepped, and I could still fell so they had to give me more meds for the pain and stop the puking well i start blacking out :/ well my daughter is having trouble breathing so I have barely seen her!!! her lung is deflated... please wish and our pray for my beautiful baby girl to be okay all I know is she's was born at 10.55 and she weighs 5lb 4.5 oz on 11/05/17!! I get to see her in the morning!!!

update! My daughter is off pain meds she is finally being fed, she has a feeding tube sadly, they have lowered her oxygen she is being given! She is finally stable enough to be held which is amazing!! I'm just praying she can come home this weekend!