Bleeding after fingering

Daijah 🌻 • Live free & Stay humble

So last night my partner and I️ were messing around. He fingered me first and it did get rough but there was no pain. He later then put his dick in and we began to have sex. We probably had sex for about 3 mins cause I️ had to get home but he spent like 20 mins fingering me (what it felt like) so when I️ got home, I️ noticed blood all over my panties. A good amount and he saw a whole bunch of blood on his sheets but he didn’t have any on his hands just on his dick. I’m not due for my period until Wednesday/Thursday and I️ didn’t experience any pain during or after. The first time this happened was in 2015 and same thing. Was bleeding while being fingered. Since then, this is only the 2nd Time this has happened. Should I️ be concern? Is I.T s possibility that he made me start my period early from how rough he was being?