Does it feel real yet?

18 days left and having so many mixed feelings! 😱

Most days I still can't believe I am going to be a mom!! It's still so surreal, I can't wrap my head around the fact that the bumps and kicks inside my belly are coming from a real, live baby that I will be able to hold and feed and snuggle by the end of the month. 😭

I think part of it is that I am still a little afraid to get my hopes up too high or get too attached because I'm still worried something could go wrong. It took us almost four years to conceive and sometimes I have a hard time trusting my body. Some days it felt like we were never going to get here, so now that it is actually happening I am still in awe and a little bit of disbelief.

I feel totally prepared for taking care of him and everything, and on one hand I can't wait for d-day because I just want to be able to actually see him and know he's alright and have him here out in the world with us.

But on the other hand I am a planner by nature and I know it's all up to the baby, but at this moment I definitely don't feel like I'm ready for labor and delivery yet. I am actually enjoying being pregnant (even in this last month) and I'm hoping to finish my marathon as close to the due date as possible. 😆

How are you ladies feeling? Especially those of you in the last month... Is it real yet or do you still have days where you can't believe it? Do you feel prepared? Are you ready for the baby to come out or do you hope they stay out for a little longer?

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