Life’s Good Other Than One Thing

Gabrielle • Wife ❤️ Dog and Reptile Mom 🦎🐾 Due in December with a little girl 🎀💕

I’m married, just got a stable job with good insurance. My husband has been at his job for 3 years, and we are finally starting to look for places to move from his dads. Everything sounds great, right! Other then the fact I’d love to be a mom! I got diagnosed with MS in 2016. Tried for a baby for 6 months then had to change my MS medicine and stop trying! And since then I’ve had to change my medicine again and stay on birth control. Mentally I’m ready for a baby, and almost stable enough for a baby. But I can’t even start trying again for another year or so. 😔 I’ll have to decide when to come off this medicine, and be off of it for 3 months before we can ttc. Meanwhile everyone’s getting pregnant on social media or has a baby. Sometimes it’s heartbreaking. It prob sounds crazy, but I can’t wait to have a baby, and maybe foster to adopt a couple more children! Me and my husband love kids 💙 last year getting diagnosed with MS set me back, it made me develop more health issues. And I couldn’t work so we had to move in with his dad. It’s sucks!!

Ps. Sorry it’s long just needed to vent.