You guys are the worst



I posted this yesterday looking for some support and guidance, the same as I give to a lot of you. But I haven’t had one response! Can you imagine how that feels? At this time when I’m feeling sensitive and needing some help, I don’t have anyone.

Seriously thinking about deleting this app - lots of you are super cliquey and just don’t give support when it’s truly needed.

Hi guys,

So just looking for some advice..

I have PCOS and I’ve been off the pill for around 4 months. I’m not sure I have ovulated in that time and I’ve only had one period. According to glow I should’ve ovulated about a week ago.

I’ve never had any kind of symptoms before that could be related to a pregnancy. However, for the last few days my nipples have been really tender. Not my boobs, just nips.

Today I’ve also been really hot and cold, feeling sick, tired and bloated.

The thing that’s caught my eye the most is sore nips as I’ve never had that before. Do you think I could be pregnant?

I know I could take a test but it’s really difficult to always see negatives! Just wanted to get other people’s opinions and learn about your symptoms!

Thanks in advance!