When is it okay to have sex for the first time?


So I’ve met this guy and he’s seems very genuine. Every night he checks up on my me to make sure I’m okay. He never lets me touch a door, and he pays for everything when we go out to eat. I️ even told him I️ was going to work out and he said “please be careful” lol. We hang out almost everyday and night as much as we can. I’m in college and the number 1 thing a guy likes to do is invite girls to their room at night. That’s their way of letting you know “all I️ want is sex.” And he hasn’t even mentioned me coming to his room yet. His phone even broke and he went out of his way to let me know he wasn’t ignoring me and that his phone was broken. He’s so easy to talk to and we have the same interest. Though he never brings up sex, one of us is eventually going to want some. How long should I️ make him wait? We’ve been talking for maybe a month or so.