Home induction methods


Any tried and true induction methods? I’m 40+1 and ready to have my baby in my arms. I had contractions yesterday which stopped around 5 pm and again this morning but they’ve stopped.

I was meant to get a stretch and sweep today (Tuesday in NZ) but my midwife had another lady go into labour so that’s been pushed back to tomorrow or Thursday 😓 I’m also not sure if I’m dilated at all because she hasn’t checked me, would’ve been done today.

I’ve been drinking raspberry leaf tea for toning my uterus and inserting evening primrose oil with the OK from my midwife but seems my cervix just doesn’t want to soften. Also been walking up and down the stairs in my house and walking a bit. We went for a bumpy drive today and that was giving me contractions but when we got home the contractions dropped again.

What else can I try? Other than spicy food and sex 😉 we all know about those.