8 month old not sleeping 😖!!


I really need some help ! My 8 month old had a complete day routine

Bottle - 7

Wake up - 9

Breakfast - 9:30/10

Play time in between wake up and breakfast .

Nap time - 11-12

Bottle/lunch - 12

Play time - 12-2/3

Nap time -2/3-3/4

Bottle - 3/4

Play time - 4-7/8

Bath -6:30 or 7:30

Bottle right after bath

And either 7 or 8 he's in bed sleep .

Here's where the problem comes in . Once he's in bed . He literally wakes up at 12amfor a bottle , 2 am for a bottle , 4am for a bottle and then again he's up at 5 and again at 6 also at 7 until he finally sleeps till 9 . He's not hungry but he wants to play or just cry . It's driving me nuts !

Especially when I have work at 7am , I dont know why he's so hungry all the time but only at night I've tried weening and it's just not working can anyone please give me some advice ??????