Drama mama

So to start off I’m 32+4 days with my second baby and I’ve been having some contractions, though very inconsistent, they have been strong. Stronger than any Braxton Hicks contraction I’ve ever had with my first. Well I’ve been have been sick for almost a week with a minor cold and the contractions have increased, I assume, because I’m slightly dehydrated. My reason for this post though is because I just went pee and I wiped and felt something “fall” out of me and I heard it plop into the toilet. When I tried to look I didn’t see anything so I went to flush and I kind saw it swirl up in the toilet and it looked like a glob of mucous 😖 I was induced with my first due to pre-eclampsia so I never lost a mucous plug. I just don’t wanna go to the hospital for nothing... is it worth going in? Or just calling my OB in the morning?