Posting baby's pictures


Hi to all mommies!

I have a question for all of you. I am a mother of one but way before having my baby I decided to never post pictures of my baby anywhere because I am afraid of people stealing them and doing who knows what with them. I see my own family stealing pictures of other family's baby's and I hear them sometimes saying harsh things about the baby's etc. I feel bad and I cannot imagine anyone saying anything bad about my baby or the thoughts of my baby's pictures ending in some horrible persons hands terrifies me and gives me anxiety. I love my baby and in my eyes like every mother's he's the most beautiful baby ever. I wish i could share him with the world sometimes but I think of all these other things and I just can't. Last time I over heard someone saying they were using someone's baby picture as theirs from some social app and I couldn't help but think how that's just not right and how could someone do these things. It made me think of all you mommies who post your precious little baby's here and it made me wonder how you feel about posting your pictures online and if you're ok with family stealing them as in cousins, aunts, uncles friends etc and sending them to other people they talk to that you don't.

How do you feel about this?

I'd like to know all of you mommies opinions on this!