Just found out

I just found out my younger sister in law is pregnant on accident while on BC. I can honestly say I have never felt so much happiness and in a selfish way so much sadness for our own journey at the same moment. I love her like my own and will be the best auntie I can be. She told me and asked me to go to her first ultrasound in December and I didn’t even hesitate. I can’t tell anyone yet but I feel so blessed that I am so close with my SIL. We are both young she’s 20 and I’m 21 and I’m so happy she doesn’t have to go through fertility struggles even at a young age it’s hard. We’ve been trying for two years with only a chemical pregnancy and I would never wish this on anyone. I’m just rambling at this point because I’m so mixed up and excited but I just needed to vent because I can’t even tell my husband yet because it’s her brother and I want her to be able to have that special moment to tell him he’s going to be an uncle for the first time.