Being healthy...

So I am 34, with 3 kids, happily married for 14 yrs and throughout my life I have so many things wrong with my body. It started with my 2nd. I was semi anemic with my 2nd and my 3rd I had complications on top of being severely anemic and needed to take iron pills. So fine whatever. Dealt with it. If I don't take my iron pills. I am severely tired. Anyway now after 5 years from last time pregnant, my husband and I have been back and for the to drs for me because I kept getting bacterial or yeast infections. I called my OBGYN a cple weeks ago and she diagnosed me over the phone. I knew it was the same thing because the symptoms were the exact same. Now I also have cysts on my ovaries. Recently my husband and I have had sex. We did it a cple weeks ago and condom broke because not using protection was causing my infections. The one time I used a condom, well start to, it breaks and now I have all these symptoms but my body is in severe pain. Specifically my back and I'm urinating A LOT. I did do one pregnancy test and it was negative. I will do another tomorrow. Have any of you ever had anything like this happen to you? I dont douche. I use soap and water and I know some of the pain could be my cysts and I am making an appt, but just need some insight or thoughts.