Ovarian Cysts


So last month I was over two weeks late testing like crazy, had a urine test at the doctor it came back negative. Waited another week still no period all tests at home BFN went in for a blood test and chem panels to see what’s wrong. Blood test was negative so absolutely no way I could be pregnant my doctor says. I go in for a pelvic ultrasound because I have a history of cysts and she wanted to see if she could tell if anything was wrong. Day of my ultrasound I start bleeding but it’s unusual like dark brown semi chunky blood (like old blood) ultrasound happens I go home start cramping really bad and period gets heavier now dark red. Fast forward today period is over doctor calls and says you have cysts one on each of your ovaries but they are very small and one on your cervix which might have been the cause of the delay I. Your period. She also says I have corpus luteum which I guess is a mature egg that hasn’t been fertilized ? This was all before the period started really heavy! My body is going crazy ! So now I am waiting for this month to see if my cycle can get back to normal but I’m not even sure I’ll ovulate this month