My sweet Amelia


So Tuesday night was at work and we were super crazy busy started having contractions but couldn't time them because how busy it was finally got a moment to sit down called my husband and told him this might be the night. Nope got off work went home and everything stopped. Went to work Wednesday and felt fine 😐 super annoyed like I was going to be pregnant forever so I looked up a bunch of inducing exercises. Got home started doing pelvic rocks, deep squats, push the pressure points on my hands, did the deed and went to bed. 3am I woke up wet thought I peed woke up hubby told him I think my water broke. At this point we only been asleep for 45 min stood up and gross by the way worst feeling ever. Thank God I packed depends for my hospital bag they were a life saver. Waited for my mom to come over so she can watch our son and we headed to the hospital 45 min later show up to a slammed labor and delivery. I guess the full moon really broke alot of mama's water. They check me only 2cm 80 effaced boo 😔 told me they were going to start potocin, I said give me a little longer to try and get it going my self. with out luck 10am comes around and only 2 and a half cm. so they start potocin. holy contractions they start hitting hard I bounce on the ball try waking around nothing helps really. nurse comes in tells me I have to stay in bed so they can keep track of babies heartbeat. She wanted me to get an epidural from the start so I cave in after laboring with high potocin till 2pm doc comes in contractions were on top of each other so horrible was glad at that point relief was so close. pain meds kick in I pass out . wake up at 4 feeling like my body is pushing tell my husband I think her head is like about to fall out felt so weird. same time doctor walks in to check on me. oh wow she is right there, good thing I didn't wait any longer she would have delivered herself. after a few pushes she was born. my doctor and 2 nurses were so awesome kept the vibes very positive. even though I didn't get my natural med free birth it was wonderful and we are so in love with this little girl