Being friends with Abusize ex? UPDATE

So a couple months ago I broke things off with my FWB because A) I found an amazing guy, who later dumped me because he didn't feel anything, and B) when he got upset he became verbally abusive, (this is a snippet of one of our fights we would have)

Throughout my new relationship he kept trying to get back with me and saying he loves and wants to marry me and he knows that he was a piece of shit and hates himself for it.

Now I am not taking him back right away, if at all. I love him but I know he's fucked up. I told him if he wants something, be my friend first, nothing else. He agreed and so far things are going good. I'm not fully trusting him or anything, the moment he fucks up I'm gone.


Boy fucked up

He thinks it okay to stalk me on social media, but won't add me/approve me to follow him and such. I also found out that while we were together, as we were talking, in a group chat, with another couple for a foursome, he was talking to the girl privately and setting up a time to meet her, but she didn't want sex with just him.

I am so done know lol there goes his second chance.

He also almost immediately reverted back to how he treated me before, I knew he would but I had hope he wouldn't. Good bye asshole lol