39 weeks and 4 days and Baby Maggie Rose finally arrived

39 weeks and 4 days and Baby Maggie Rose finally arrived! 7 lbs, 20 inches and 3 quarters born 3:54. 
I’m pretty loopy after Percocet so excuse any grammar mistakes lol Long story. 
I was supposed to be induced today Tuesday due to low amniotic fluid and being impatient 😂 but Maggie Rose decided to come on her own yesterday. 
Contractions started Monday the 6 around 4-5 am. Nothing crazy just little cramps that were enough to wake me and have me tossing and turning. By 7 am, contractions were 10 min apart. I was in disbelief and told myself they were Braxton Hicks 🤦🏻‍♀️. Cleaned baby’s room and bathroom and the entire house. Was on my hands and knees cleaning (I guess his was the spurt of energy before labor) I picked up my mom at 12:30 and went to do our eye lash extensions 😂 where contractions were 3-4 min apart. Around 2 pm, Ipain was more intense and contractions were at 2-3 min apart so I ate real fast and  Texted doctor and he told me to go into L/D. Took a long shower (which helped so much with the pain). Shaved all my lady parts lol Got to hospital around 4:30 and when at 5 cm!!! Water was still intact. Was admitted and labored pain medication free I till I was about 7 cm and at this point it was about 9 pm. Got the epidural after crying that I didn’t want it but needed it :( it was like I entered heaven. Haha weird feeling but tolerable. Oh the reason my pain got so bad was because baby’s heart rate dropped and I was out to my left side and flat on the bed. And let me tell you, that was the worse pain EVER! It feels so much better to walk and stand, this is one reason why I hate hospitals but it was for baby’s health so I’ll do anything! They started the Pitocin and was pushing around 2 am Nov 7. Had Baby at 3:54! Nurse stopped the epidural so I had better control of pushes. I mentallly pictured her coming down the birth canal and that’s what got me to push long and hard! I torn :( but stitching wasn’t painful just annoying. Once baby’s head was out, I reached down and grabbed her underneath her shoulders and brought her to my chest! Best feeling EVER!!!! She had a late meconium and had some trouble getting all the fluid out so she was taken to the nursery just to keep an eye on her. Now just waiting for them to bring me my baby girl!!! If I have advice for soon to be mommas, I would say don’t be afraid of getting epidural. It’s amazing but if you opt for no epidural and know, you can do it! We were made for this. I just said screw it after 9 months of saying no epidural lol and also highly recommend pulling out your baby yourself and placing her on your chest!!!! 😌😌😌😌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️