

So I suffer from extreme depression and off the chart anxiety . I also have a frug addiction to black( which I am

Sober for for about 3 months since I found out I was pregnant I have not shot it once.) but last night legit I was going to slit my wrists and call it done quits on life. So I took 4mg of Xanax to STOP the crazy ness of my brain already having anxiety and depression on top of being prego has been extremely hard on my emotional state I am trying to keep shit together. But it’s hard idk if anyone of you had had experiences with Xanax pregnant since I took a moderate dosing should I call my dr and also tell her that my hormones are making me suicidal it’s embarrassing and I am not sure if I am the only one out there who has had to quite heroin and go off my more potent phyc Meds and now I am worried because last night I was in such a tizzy about life and wanted to die but the Xanax did help me I just need help I am alone one this I have one friend who loves about 4 hours away and my family went to the Bahamas on a mission. Please someone tell me what I can do to keep me but more import the BABY SAFE AND HEALTHY AND HAPPY. Sorry to sound crazy I still don’t think my body has gotten used to the changes and it’s hard on my brain.