I know everyone post these things but...


I'm finally at my 1st baby appointment. I'm 10weeks and 1 day.. And I haven't announced the pregnancy yet so I wanted to post something up. This appointment will be three hours they say. That's the longest baby appointment I've ever heard of lol. My fiance keeps joking its twins or triplets lol. My symptoms have been extreme this time around. I honestly feel like nothing cool happens to me like that lol and honestly I'm very very ok with just one. I already have two boys. Where currently working towards getting a house so we can have more room. We're in a nice little apartment right now but we are needing more space as of right now. So, we have a lot of planning to do, and I hope we don't get overwhelmed by how fast things are going for us.I'm super nauseous today as well.. I've already threw up once and I've been gagging all morning.... Please let today not be embarrassing... Getting sick in public is the worse