Vent: The suspense is killing me


We sorta just impulsively decided to have unprotected sex with the intention to pull out. However, he didn’t. (This was day 21 of my cycle) However I’m totally okay with having a July baby 3 years younger than my son ❤️🙃.

Im on day 29 of my cycle. Generally one ovary has 21-28 day cycles and the other-one has 32-35 day cycles.

I had a lot of pelvic pain the day days 19-20 which usually signify ovulation for me.

Yesterday day 28 I had light bleeding. Was like TMI fingered myself and slightly pink. Im like cool AF is coming soon 😎.

Then like no period. But I peed 6 times this morning, i have more acne than usual and I was sooo dizzy sunday and monday nights. Like my vision was blurry.

Took a test today it was negative but its been only like a week since I had sex so Its too soon too tell.

Anyways this one week im just going to think about pizza receiving blankets and be afraid to go into the hottub at my job while I anxiously wait for either my period or news.

Anyways — is there anything I should do differently until i find out for sure?

Anyone going through the same thing?