Finally a BPF

OMG! This is my first post here and I finally got my BFP. I want to share my story hopefully someone would take some hope from it.

My husband and I got married in April 2016 and started trying to get pregnant straight after. We had been together 3 years before our wedding day. All my life I have NEVER been pregnant. I didn't think anything of it as I was never trying to get pregnant.

I have always had very regular periods and always a 28 day cycle. I have never missed a period or had a late period since I started menstruating at the age of 12. I am 34 now. But in October 2015 something strange happened. My period came as normal but a week after it finished it started again. I went to the doctor. I was sent for a scan and the results said I had fibroids. What? I didn't even know what fibroids were. The doctor assured me they were very common and nothing to worry about. She sent me away and said many women have fibroids and still have kids. The weird periods continued in 2016 to the point that even on my wedding day I was bleeding very heavily. I went to the doctor again in July 2016. Had this and that test. blood tests, scans, etc etc. All the while we were trying and failing. I then discovered Glow and would spend so much time on here reading people's stories and realised there is a whole community of fabulous women struggling to get pregnant. I was not alone. My poor husband bless him was doing his best to keep me positive. Month after month AF rears her ugly head; month after month I get that sinking feeling that you all know so well. It seemed everyone around me was pregnant or having babies. I was sad inside but was good at hiding it. One day I went to the doctor and demanded she referred me to a gynaecologist. I was tired of hearing "just keep trying it will happen". I got appointment to see gynae and he confirmed I had a fibroid but it was wedged in my uterus and there was no chance of getting pregnant with it in there. I had to have an operation to remove it. I had op on 31st August 2017. I was in hospital for 4 days and at home off work for 6 weeks. It was painful. I felt like I had a C section but with no baby. They cut me in 4 places. After operation surgeon tells me that whilst doing operation he saw that my tubes were blocked and I had a lot of adhesions and damage so basically I would need more surgery or will have to be <a href="">IVF</a> or no change of baby. I cried. Why me? He then sent me to do an HSG on 17th October 2017 to do final check that tubes are indeed blocked. The HSG was the most painful thing ever. When HSG was done by some miracle I was told my tubes are not blocked they are fine. Hallelujah. I now have a chance of conceiving naturally. I ovulated 23rd October and from the 20th

oct to 25th oct I did the deed everyday. Fast forward 2 weeks and my period due yesterday didn't show up. I just tested today and here we are. I am speechless. I have no idea how that happened. I guess fibroid removal plus HSG cleaned out system and led to this BFP. Also I was a smoker. I stopped 2 days before my operation. I don't know if that is relevant but I am shocked that during operation my tubes appeared blocked but 7 weeks later when I had HSG they weren't blocked anymore.

This is long but I hope someone can derive some hope from it. I haven't even told my husband yet. You guys are the first to know. I wish you all well and may you all receive your moment of joy as I just have. Baby dust to all.