i just had to tell someone...

Linn Marika • Married & mother of one little boy♡

In advace, sorry for long post! We decided not to tell anyone(well i had to tell my boss because of my position at work) until christmas, i've just been so eager to blurt it out! A couple of weeks ago i started feeling a little unusual, mainly after my ovulation days, we have been activly trying to concieve and after months and months with devostating endings with AF showing up, it didnt this time. I was about a week late, so decided to test! Saw the faintest line and kept telling myself its an evap.. days going, no af, still feeling a little  wierd...

And we did it! After so long, and this cycle i didnt bother to pay attention to anything.. maybe that was the clue all along..  Made a little box for my SO, with the test showing then 2-3 weeks, and some cute bodysuits. He was over the moon, so am i. We couldnt be happier right now..💞 Sending baby-dust☄ to all of you wounderful ladies TTC, hope you get your BFP's soon! I am now 5w4d, and according to my doc due date is July 18! So exited!!💑🤰