Sex at 12!?

Hello:) I'm 14.. I've seen so many posts on 12/13/14 years olds posting about 'being ready' for sexual intercourse. If I'm honest, if I had a boyfriend since I was 12 to now and was confident and trusted him and we were strong fair enough but there's more to a relationship then sex and I would definitely have parents permission beforehand but then my mum and I made a promise after being hurt a few months back (cheated on and abused) that I'll not be in a relationship till I'm 17+ so I will keep my virginity for a few more years.. to a boy that has a brilliant future ahead of him and is respectful and my type of personality 😊 as long as we've been together more then a year :) please children read this and don't have sex under ages of 16 as it can cause serious problems🤕 xx