Trying to stop myself

I broke up with a guy about a week ago. The first day or two I was upset but felt like I did the right thing. He just didn’t really have time for a relationship and I was getting tired of waiting for a scrap of attention. But now I’m regretting it. We had talked about before. This wasn’t a sudden issue. I’m almost broke up with him sooner but we talked it out and he was going to make more of an effort (or at least that’s what he said). And for a few days he did make more of an effort but then everything went back to the way it was. After a week of not hearing from him, I started to think breaking up would be the best option. I did text him during that week but he wouldn’t reply back. I broke up with via text and he never replied back. I know he read it. It just made me feel like I wasn’t worth it. I did it by text because I felt I could say everything I wanted to say without being interrupted. But I wish he replied back or called. I wish we could have talked it out. I want to call or text him but I’ve been stopping myself. We weren’t together that long. Why am I feeling this way?