🚨🚨advice needed🚨🚨

So I am talking to this guy. we’ve been talking since about September, we have a really good time together when we get together, he’s sweet, funny, honest, and an all around good person... he just does shit to piss me off 😂

For example, 90% if we do something it’s when he wants to or if it’s convenient for him, if I want to do something he hardly answers the phone, never calls back, or won’t text back. Today he asked if I was hungry and wanted lunch, I said sure let’s go and he told me he would call me once he got out of the shower. Y’all... I STAYED HOME FROM CLASS TO GO TO LUNCH WITH HIM, I’m so glad my best bitch came through and asked if I wanted to go get food with her, I hesitated because I knew he was supposed to call me back but I ended up going anyways and I’m so glad I did because he never called me back until 5 in the afternoon 🙄 oh and it gets better I thought he didn’t call cause he got busy, but no he ended up going out for lunch with one of his friends instead! Honestly I’m not even mad he went to lunch with someone else I’m mad at the fact that you obviously made plans with me and you completely bailed and didn’t even apologize. I hate feeling like this cause I feel that I have a right to be upset but I don’t because we aren’t together. Anyways he called me at 5 like I said and was like “hey wyd? I wanna go play pool tonight you wanna go?”

Now part of me really liking his company wanted to say yes 😍 but majority of me was like “nah I’m good, you might cancel on me again” and hung up. Now I feel like I have a rock in my stomach, should I text/call back and tell him how I feel, leave it alone because I can’t really be mad, or wait till he calls me back and then I tell him. I feel like I’m over thinking but I just need some advice lol