Confused lol

So I’ve been seeing this guy off and on for going on 2 years. When we first met I had pretty deep feelings for him until he told me he didn’t have the same feelings for me because he’s older than me by like 6 years. He just couldn’t get over the age gap. It hurt but I got over it. Well I ended up getting pregnant with his child and unfortunately lost the baby. Well on the 1 year anniversary of losing her he told me he couldn’t mess around with me anymore. Again I was hurt but I got over it. I hadn’t talked to him for over a year until he messaged me about a month ago asking how I was doing. Well we hit it off again (I realize now it probably wasn’t the best decision I could have made) and started messing around again. Well last Thursday I was working, and I’m not allowed to have my phone on me at work, well he texted me and asked me if I was ok??? And then proceeded to tell me he missed me cuz I hadn’t talked to him all day. I am doing so good at not catching feelings for him and then he goes and says this. I don’t feel any different about him (as in I’m not starting to catch feelings after he said that) but I don’t know what to do. Should I just end it with him before it gets worse and I am catching feelings or just chalk it up to him just being a friend to me. What would y’all do?? TIA