Finally my rainbow baby 🌈


So funny story!

I went to see my OB yesterday to go over possibly getting on a medication to aid me with getting pregnant. We talked and she said I need to lose some weight but overall pretty healthy and she wanted to do some labs by blood test then once she got the results back she wanted to meet with me the following Monday. This morning I get a phone call from her nurse she said your lab came back fine and you’re healthy but.... the hCG count came back came back high so surprise you’re already pregnant!!!! When I got home from work today I took a pregnancy test and sure enough 😱 words can’t describe the amount of happiness I feel right now. After my miscarriage I was completely devastated and had no idea how long it was going to take me to get pregnant again. So this previous cycle my fiancé and I decided to stop focusing on trying and start focusing on getting healthy and losing weight (aka stop eating crap). So here it is everyone my rainbow baby🌈