He’s nicer than I could have ever imagined


I really just need to rant/brag about the man I’ve been seeing. We’ve been seeing each other for a little over two months now. We’ve been taking it slow, but there’s so many little things he does that make me just melt.

We hung out quite a few times before he even tried to kiss me. He brought me out to the movies, and we watched “It” because I was dying to see it, even though he doesn’t like scary movies. I slept at his place several times without him even trying to push for sex. I had a full day off on a weekend (never happens) so we spent the whole day together, we went on a hike, out for ice cream, out for dinner, and then he brought me to a haunted house (again, he doesn’t like scary things but he knows I do).

He’s in the Navy and he’s leaving for two weeks first thing in the morning, so he came over quickly tonight to see me and my dog. (I live alone with my dog and two cats). He brought a pizza. Pineapple pizza. I’m of the school of thought that pineapple does go on pizza, he’s the opposite. I couldn’t believe it when he opened the box. And my dog is very selective about who she likes, especially with men, and she just absolutely adores him. One of my cats is super friendly and loves everyone, but the other is very shy and has never let a visitor pet her, although she’ll spend all day cuddling with me. She came out today for him and let him pet her, and I could hear her purring across the room. Of course I had to snap a quick picture.

I’ve dated quite a few guys through college and since graduating and living on my own, and none have held a candle to him. My dog hasn’t even liked any of them but him. I just can’t believe all the small things he does that make me feel so special. It’s leaving me constantly thinking about what I can do to show him I appreciate it and show him how special he is to me. I know its only been two months, but I feel more secure than I’ve ever felt with anyone else. I don’t feel like there’s any hidden tricks, or he’s just stringing me along. And I just needed to tell someone about him so here I am.