Update- Please, please send me your good sticky bean juju!


Update- I am pretty certain I’m losing this one, too. My test yesterday was nice and dark and this morning I dared to hope that my test would show a line as dark as the control line (that seemed the direction it was headed) but today is lighter than even the one below. I’ve got a blood draw this afternoon but I’ve pretty much lost all hope. My uterus is apparently uninhabitable and I just want to give up.

Hello, everyone! My husband and I have had 3 chemical pregnancies in the last 7 months and I don’t know how many more I can take. The doctor has had lots of tests done, including HSG this past month (which was excruciating) and I am once again pregnant. I’m only 11 DPO. The line is nice and dark compared to anything I’ve ever had at 11 DPO but I’m so scared something will go wrong and I will lose this one. I’m not planning on telling my husband until next week unless my lines are super dark this weekend. Please send me all your good vibes. I want to have hope and get excited but I’m too scared to.