Boyfriend advice???

Okay so my boyfriend misses hanging with his friends (all girls) and they all went to the beach together in may which wasn’t a problem until he blacked out for 12 hours and I wasn’t even that mad. But he is really susceptibke to peer pressure and he hasn’t hung out with them since that trip until recently and there’s this guy who hangs out with them and he sent all of these rude messages to my friend saying that if he could just get my boyfriend away from me then my boyfriend would be forced to hang with his friends again and idk they just always make bad decisions and they like to cause chaos so ik how they r with him They say things like. Wow ur gonna hang with her over us and stuff. And like my boyfriend doesn’t cave in but he has before Then tonight he hung with them and didn’t tell me (which really isn’t that big of a deal) but then they invited him to go to the beach with them again. LIKE ITS OVER HAKF A YEAR AWAY. it’s like their claiming him idkkkkk I need some advice because I’m kinda feeling uncomfortable about it and idk how I should handle it I otobabky sound clingy and jealous which I am but I’m not crazy