Fly high my angel 👼🏽

Sydonia • 20, engaged💍 💕 One angel watching over mommy 👼🏽

Yesterday was one of the hardest days of my life... I had my first miscarriage...

My day started with light pink spotting, I was sort of alarmed but people kept reassuring me that it wasn’t much so everything should be fine. I let a few hours pass to see how it progressed, and I soon began to feel cramping in my vagina so I decide to go to the ER and get checked out around 2 pm They started with a pelvic exam and the doctor told me that it looked like I scratched my cervix during sex and it looked fully closed and healthy and that I wasn’t currently miscarrying. Then they did an ultrasound which showed that my baby had grow quite a bit from the week before, and it also had a heartbeat which had never been seen before. The only problem was that the baby’s heart rate was very low.... at 78 bpm. So then they were telling me it was very likely that the pregnancy wasn’t viable and I’d probably miscarry... my heart began to shatter. I have an appointment on Friday so they told me to follow up then and see if the baby is progressing. I left around 5pm After my emotions settled down I started to regain hope that everything would turn around because my baby indeed had a heartbeat and had grown. Around 11:15 I felt what seemed like a fish of blood like my period but for some reason I ignored it.... at 11:35 I went to bathroom and was experiencing bright red blood. At that moment I knew what would follow, but for my fiancé’s sake I kept very calm. I called the ER back to see what they said to do, they advised me to just monitor how much I bleed and if anything else came out. So I laid down and relaxed periodically checking my pad. At 1am I got up to check my pad and wipe the blood off me and noticed I lost my mucus plug and passed my first clot. At that time I was on the phone with my mom, and she told me it was time to go back to the ER so I packed up and went. When I got there around 1:45-2:00am the doctor told me I was very likely having a miscarriage and it’s time to just let nature run its course. They took blood for testing and I just sat and waited trying to stay as calm & be as comfortable as possible.Around 2:50 I felt like my pad needed this be changed so I went to the bathroom and as I stood up to throw the last pad away I felt a big clot begin to cone out but it happened so fast that it ended up falling on the floor.... I had my fiancé grab the nurse and she told me that it was the baby... I immediately broke down at the thought of my baby just falling on the floor. My fiancé tried calming me down.. we prayed, I got dressed and went home. At 2:55 am November 9,2017 I lost my first baby... today is my fiancé and my 1 year anniversary ....