Rant time

Hey ladies

So me and my partner well fiancé are breaking up. I just wanted to get some things off my chest that I’ve dealt with over the last few years.

So one time she goes on holiday to Greece for 2 weeks too see her dad and I missed her and wanted to do something special for when she got back, she was still living at her mums at this point so we worked together and packed her an over night bag and I booked us a night in the grand at Brighton super romantic night away! Cost me a bomb but I thought it would be worth it and we had a perfect day! Arcades and dinner out and drinks but she got a little too drunk so I took her back to the hotel and showered her put her in her pjays and tucked her in and nipped outside for a smoke before going to bed... in the time I was gone she rang her ex girlfriend up I had no idea I thought she was fast asleep... woke up in the morning to messages of abuse from her ex for not looking after her and just general shit talking.

Thanks for that.

Another time once we moved into my family home (my family moved to Singapore so I took over the home and pay all the bills) she had a baseball match and made me

Cancel my plans to go watch which I did and took my friend along and then went for drinks out afterand I wasn’t feeling great from

Sunstroke and wanted to go home she told me to go without her and that she didn’t want to come, as I’m

Waiting alone for the bus I called my housemate (friend moved into my spare room) a little upset that I got the cold shoulder and he was in a bits apologising he had lost my family dog that morning and called my partner to let me know she decided not to tell me because her game was more important so i go home straight away on a hunt for my dog... she didn’t come home till 5am found out later I had got the cold shoulder because she was meeting up with her ex for drinks that night... never told me found out from her ex 4 months later... what a shit day that was too...

(We found my dog safe and sound and he was returned 2 days later! Thank god he was chipped!)