Super attached 13 month old

Help mamas. I’m losing my mind. My baby is 13 months & just beyond attached. I️ can’t even sit on the couch without her crying. She’s not content with playing with her toys, even if I️ try to play with her. I️f I️ even stand up she FREAKS out and crawls over to me as fast as she can (she’s not walking yet). I️ can’t wear her because she squirms & throws a fit until I️ get her out. I’m slowing losing my sanity. I️ love my baby so much but I️ just wish I️ had a break sometimes. My husband works 14 hour days & 3 days out of the week he has soccer practice after work. On top of it all I’m 22 weeks pregnant and I’m always tired lol. I️ am having anxiety about having another baby when my 1 year old can’t leave my side. Help me lol