Is this cv normal? Please please help

Hey so I'm 16 and I have had a few yeast infections due to medication.

So yesterday my pussy was itch and dry as hell so I put some yeast infection ointment on it and I felt better but all night I was super itchy and uncomfortable but I couldn't do anything about it because I was at a sleepover with my friend and snuck out of her room to "hang ou" with her brother and we had a great time we cuddled and I had my hands all over his body with my stiletto nails (he loves it) nothing sexual happened except for some light nipple play and butt touching but the whole time I was uncomfortable so before I sneak back into my friends room I go to the bathroom and I have a lot of cm or something and went to bed and the whole night I was itchy and stuff so I don't feel normal down there and REALLY itchy and ache-y please anyone help me

Alright small update I remember I took the pill but forgot the last two days (I just started talking the pill and I just wiped and there is blood