Shocked and sad to hear about my doctor

Cathryn RN

So I got a call while I was work the other day and didn’t listen to the message until I was driving home. The receptionist at my doctor’s office said that they needed to change my appointment to an earlier date and they’d like me to call them back. Turns out that the date they wanted to move my appointment to I worked so quickly checked my schedule before returning their call.

I couldn’t call until Friday due to work stress with patients on our unit. So I finally get to call and let them know of my scheduling requirements due this appointment and we finally get a new time ironed out. I ask why they needed to change my appointment because it didn’t say in the message and I’m told that my doctor has died. 😳 Shocked!!! He was such a nice man. So kind, welcoming, and warm hearted.

Of course I tell my husband and we did a search to find out what happened. Turns out he was on vacation with his wife and he got caught in a rip tide and ended up drowning. 😭 So horrific!!

Please say a prayer for those that care for us and our children born babes.

We have decided that one of the items we buy for this baby is going to a stuffed lamb in honor of this incredible man that we had pleasure of meeting and confirming our pregnancy with.