Seriously dying right now 😂

Okay so my husband and I are officially jerks. We currently have my brother in law's 16 year old cousin staying with us. We were sitting in our room while he was in the living room watching TV. The 16 yr old, Braxton is the most gullible person I've ever met so we decided to play a little prank on him. We decided to connect my husbands phone to the smart TV in the living room and play creepy videos to give him a scare. So we're scrolling through YouTube and start playing the video from the movie The Ring.

As soon as it starts playing we hear him say "Bro what the fuck" meanwhile my husband and I are trying to keep our composure like

He's freaking out and came to our door and was like was that you guys. Were sitting there and were like no dude what are you talking about 😂 trying our hardest not to give anything away.

We walk out to the living room and he's like

We played it cool like we had no idea what was going on, I have my phone in my pocket and start playing the video again without him noticing what I'm doing and then he finally believes it's not us. He turned every light on in the house and made me put a curtain over the window lmao. Nows he paranoid and keeps saying that my nephews toys keep making noises and moving by themselves and he's certain the floor is vibrating. He unplugged the tv and told us to keep our bedroom door open until he falls asleep. We're gonna tell him it was us the whole time before the nights over but right now it's just too fun to not mess with him. I just can't believe we actually pulled it off, our pranks are usually fails lmao.