Help please


I had an abortion (surgical) on Oct 2nd I stopped bleeding on October 13th. My SO and I had a condom come off inside of me on Oct 27th I took the morning after pill on the 28th. I still haven’t gotten my period. Im not on BC because of the hormones my body can’t handle them and I tried the IUD and I’m allergic to the one without hormones my SO is going to get a vasectomy after the first of the year. I’m freaking out because I’m terrified to get pregnant again. Little back story we have 4 children we are a blended family but my body does not handle pregnancy well at all. I have had emergency csections and was so ill my last pregnancy that I had infusions and major kidney issues. I didn’t want to have an abortion but couldn’t handle another baby let alone the thought of pregnancy again is very scary for me for the fact is idk that my kidneys could handle another pregnancy. Just before my abortion I found out that the baby wasn’t alive anymore and had stopped growing at 4.5 weeks (I was supposed to be 8.5-9) it’s the only way I have been able to handle somewhat of what I did and was going to do. I can’t do it again and I’m freaking out so any insight would be amazing.