Need Help Fading Red Hair


Last winter I dyed my hair from blonde to a mix of blonde/rose gold/& a purple/burgundy color kind of all mixed & it was beautiful. Had extensions to match. I went to a different hairstylist (the one I've used all of my life) to get more of that purple/burgundy color & my extensions dyed with it. Instead I got red, but it was cool, I liked it. She gave me this red coloring conditioner, when your red fades, wash with shampoo & put that on & it gives you your color back. Anyways, I got my hair back blonde when it started warming up. I never washed my extensions or had them dyed again. I just ordered blonde extensions so I didn't ruin my other set. I finally washed the red extensions, trying to get that red crap out of them so they go back to a dull burgundy instead of brighter red so I can blend in with my blonde for Thanksgiving. When I washed them, of course a shit ton of red came out. I let hot water run through them for a minute before washing twice. I know I'll have to wash probably everyday or every other day until Thanksgiving until all of the red is out. But are there any tricks!? Anything that will help me speed up the process? Help me ladies lol.