How soon is too soon?

I was in a pretty crappy relationship for a year and a half, which may not seem like a lot to some but I haven't had that many serious relationships and this one was one of the most serious I've had. (bought a 1200$ wedding dress serious) anyways it ended up being pretty abusive, I was at the end, ready to kill myself so I had to leave, I moved across the country and ended it. (I'm in Canada that's a long ways) Now, I had been in survival mode for probably the last 5-6 months of my relationship I don't know when it died but it had been nothing but pure fucked up loyalty (us scorpios, right?!) and fear of the world he painted for me keeping me in that relationship. I've been in BC about three months now, and about a month ago I gave tinder another shot after having some idiot musician stick his tongue down my throat the first go around and I stumbled onto something wonderful... A man I knew as a boy from my home town, he was the neighbour boy and he swiped right too... After a few years together (as childhood friends) I had moved away for a few years overseas and when I came back it was the last year of high school, big school, different clicks, we didn't hang out much, we exchanged looks, nods and brief convos at parties (both awkward teens). When we met up last month, it had been 6-7 years since we had seen eachother (he's had various military postings/ I've been off travelling, working and studying) I was a little stunned to be honest, so handsome, so romantic, honest, sweet, handsome... Did I say handsome already?! It was natural, it's been natural, I've missed him, I think I may love him which terrifies me after the year I've had, he definitely loves me, he just doesn't want to say it because he knows I'll get scared, I see it I'm just worried. Is it too soon? I haven't told any of my family or friends that were in a relationship... He understands I'm not ready, I'm afraid they'll try and talk me out of it. Is it too soon?