Insurance Woes!!


12w5d 1st time mom...and I apologize for the long post...

Please tell me I’m not the only one who has gone through this...

I recently went through open enrollment at work to make benefit elections. I actually work for the insurer as well. The option they presented to us was a narrow network plan. Basically, use these providers for lower costs, all others for higher. They claim it is an effort to save $$. Copays for preferred dr’s & facilities, $2000 deductible & 20% coinsurance for non preferred.

My OB is in the lower costs, but the facility she delivers to is not in the preferred network. When I asked my dr if she can deliver anywhere else, she said no & it would be best if I either pay up to use the hospital she delivers at or change dr’s all together. No empathy!! She said her patients basically just stayed & paid the higher amount. I was completely in shock.

Why would I pay upwards of $5-6k to deliver my child when I can pay $250??

I’m sorry, but you’re supposed to care about your patients, not just about their health but their well being & ability to afford care!! I had been with this practice since I was in my early 20’s & changing dr’s is something I don’t take lightly, let alone in the middle of a pregnancy!!

Side note...I did find a new OB I’ll be meeting with next month without a lapse who delivers at a preferred hospital. Just hope I like this OB!