Any tips to induce labor?! Scheduled repeat c section on Monday!


I know that this is a tough subject for some people. I am having a growth ultrasound on Friday since my last baby weighed 9 pounds and 11 ounces and I had to have an emergency c section after pushing for over 3 hours, and failed vacuum attempt. I'm torn because the doctor suggested a c section for this coming Monday which puts me at 39 weeks. My last recovery from my c section was rough, and really hard on me mentally, emotionally and physically. At 36 weeks I was 3cm dilated and 60% effaced. Have not been checked since then but will be checked this Thursday at my appointment. I feel like I am so close to going into labor on my own and would really really like to avoid another c section if possible. I've had terrible agonizing hip pain the past 3 days to where I can barely walk otherwise I would be walking around like a mad man to get my baby girl out. Anyone have anything that has actually helped them bring on labor?? I know that people say wait until 40 weeks, the baby will come when it's ready, ect... But if I'm going to have a c section on Monday anyways I would really like to avoid that and have a vaginal delivery if possible. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!