Something's Gotta Give

Excuse me for this but I need to vent. Additionally if anyone has any good advise on how to de-stress and relax that would be great. I've been so down and out lately. Between everything shitty going on in the world and my own personal stuff I've just felt super depressed and stressed and I'm going to crack.
So, let me start off with my mother agreed to watch my daughter after work 3 nights a week because I'm at work too late. So I told her I wanted to run to the store tonight, which she agreed to and later told me "Well, I can't say no" which, obviously you can say, sorry I can't stay late tonight. Bitch. So my daughters been a major pain in the ass since she woke up this morning, my mother's stress level is through the roof and she drove her nuts. She brings her home and informs me that I'm taking advantage of her yadda yadda, she didn't feed her because she had her own shit to do, and we'll have to talk about our arrangement. She's such a hypocrit, telling me all the time I need to keep my cool around her, she's just a baby blah blah. She spends two hours with her and she's screaming and bitching about how she's being a handful.
Well, my father passed in August and I don't know if she thinks she's the only one who's angry, and depressed etc, but I still lock myself in the bathroom to cry sometimes. So she's yelling at me about all this and I was literally this close (imagine fingers a hairs length apart) to screaming "You know, you should have been the one to die, not dad!" The worst part is I kind of dont regret thinking it. But we need her because she has a flexible schedule and she's available to babysit. She's such a bitch most of the time, she's always on my ass and she's a damn hypocrit. I don't know, maybe I just needed to vent, and I don't really have many friends since having my daughter so I have no one to talk to. She just seems to think I don't have feelings, like I have no stress or anything to worry about and that's not even close to true. Right now the thought of moving up to 6 hours away is really appealing which is a distinct possibility a year from now. I keep telling my husband to look at jobs in other states and I don't even care. She's constantly saying "But you're going to take my baby away". And dont tell me we need to talk, because that never works. Endcrant.... 😑😭