Anyone with a tilted uterus managed to see something on an abdominal ultrasound at 8 weeks LMP


Was supposed to be 8 weeks based on LMP. Went for a private scan today because was having spotting on and off, very small amounts of brownish/yellowish discharge.

They did a transabdominal scan and dated me 6 weeks 1 day. No heartbeat, empty ges sac measuring about 12mm. Gave me progesterone pills and ordered bed rest, will go for a repeat scan in 10 days.

I had a blighted ovum in June this year, a chemical pregnancy in August this year as well. Periods are very regular, cycles generally are 27 days long, occasionally may stretch to 28, 29 and very rarely 30 days.

I also have a retroverted uterus and during my pregnancy in June the doctors didn’t even attempt an abdominal ultrasound and went straight to vaginal ultrasound.